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Cardio Diagnostics

We here at FMS are thrilled to be partnered with "Cardio Diagnostics Inc.", and their groundbreaking research/advancements in the prediction of future adverse cardiac events. Their revolutionary new analysis techniques are spearheaded by their "Epi + Gen" blood test. Whereas in the past, prediction of future adverse cardiac events was limited to a rudimentary collection of environmental/health factors such as, diabetic status, smoking status, exercise, diet, blood pressure, etc.; this test combines these same known environmental risk factors with both genetic (hereditary) and epigenetic (environmental changes to DNA) biomarkers. The result is a more in depth analysis as to your personal risk of Cardiovascular Disease (CVD), and how your own personal risk factors and environment might be increasing said likelihood.


The best part? The test is FREE!

Learn more about Cardio Diagnostics:

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