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FMS Christmas

Need to get in touch with a medical professional ASAP?

Our 24/7 call service is here for you!
Just dial: (847) 526-2151


FMS is Proudly Committed to Providing a Safe and Open

Place for All

   Family Medicine Specialists will not discriminate in the provision of                                  health care services to an individual:           h
1. Because the individual is unable to pay for their health care services or is without health insurance.
2. Because payment for said services would be made under: 
Medicare, Medicaid, Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), or any other state/federal aid.

3. Based upon the individual’s: race, color, sex, age, socioeconomic status, national origin, immigration/citizenship status, spoken languagemental/physical disability, pregnancyreligion, marital statusgender identitysexual orientation, employment/military status, and/or personal genetic/health information.

Diverse Set of Providers
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